Video Encoding API

Fast, high-quality and fine-tunable video conversions for H264, HEVC and AV1.

Try it Out API Documentation

H264, HEVC and AV1

Convert videos to the latest formats with superior quality and compression. CloudConvert supports H264, HEVC (H.265), and AV1 encoding to optimize your videos for any platform with maximum efficiency.

GPU Encoding

Boost your video encoding speeds with our latest GPU-powered encoding, now available for H264, HEVC, and AV1. Achieve faster conversion times while maintaining high video quality, thanks to NVENC and latest-gen NVIDIA Ada Lovelace GPUs.


Scale your video encoding effortlessly with CloudConvert. Whether you need to process one video or thousands, our API scales with your workload, ensuring reliable and fast conversions.

Advanced Options

Fine-tune your conversions with advanced options. Control encoding settings, choose between CPU and GPU encoding, and optimize videos for any use case—all through easy-to-use API parameters. Check out the Job Builder to show all available options.

Async or Sync

By default, the CloudConvert API converts your files asynchronously and we notify you via webhooks when we are done. Depending on your needs there is also a synchronous API to convert files on-the-fly.

Storage Integration

CloudConvert directly fetches the input files from your object storage and then stores the output file at the same place. We are integrated with your existing and trusted storage provider, such as S3, Azure, Google Cloud or many others.

Custom Workflows

Our API uses the concept of Jobs and allows to do multiple operations with one single API call. For example, it is possible to convert the same file to multiple output formats, adding a watermark and creating a thumbnail with one single Job!

Developer Friendly

Our extensive API Documentation helps to get you started quickly. There is a Job Builder which generates ready-to-use request payloads and code snippets for you. We do provide free and timely support, directly from the builders of CloudConvert.

Raw Request PHP node.js Ruby Python Java .NET

    "tasks": {
        "import-my-file": {
            "operation": "import/url",
            "url": "https://my.url/file.mp4"
        "convert-my-file": {
            "operation": "convert",
            "input": "import-my-file",
            "output_format": "mp4",
            "video_codec": "x264",
            "width": 1920,
            "height": 1080
        "export-my-file": {
            "operation": "export/url",
            "input": "convert-my-file"
$job = (new Job())
        (new Task('import/url', 'import-my-file'))
            ->set('url', 'https://my.url/file.mp4')
        (new Task('convert', 'convert-my-file'))
            ->set('input', 'import-my-file')
            ->set('output_format', 'mp4')
            ->set('video_codec', 'x265')
            ->set('width', 1920)
            ->set('height', 1080)
        (new Task('export/url', 'export-my-file'))
            ->set('input', 'convert-my-file')

let exampleJob = await{
    "tasks": {
        "import-my-file": {
            "operation": "import/url",
            "url": "https://my.url/file.mp4"
        "convert-my-file": {
            "operation": "convert",
            "input": "import-my-file",
            "output_format": "mp4",
            "video_codec": "x264",
            "width": 1920,
            "height": 1080
        "export-my-file": {
            "operation": "export/url",
            "input": "convert-my-file"

job = await;
job ={
  tasks: [
      name: "import-my-file",
      operation: "import/url",
      url: "https://my-url/file.mp4"
      name: "convert-my-file",
      operation: "convert",
      input: "import-my-file",
      output_format: "mp4",
      video_codec: "x264",
      width: 1920,
      height: 1080
      name: "export-my-file",
      operation: "export/url",
      input: "convert-my-file"
job = cloudconvert.Job.create(payload={
     "tasks": {
         'import-my-file': {
              'operation': 'import/url',
              'url': 'https://my.url/file.mp4'
         'convert-my-file': {
             'operation': 'convert',
             'input': 'import-my-file',
             'output_format': 'mp4',
             'video_codec': 'x264',
             'width': 1920,
             'height': 1080
         'export-my-file': {
             'operation': 'export/url',
             'input': 'convert-my-file'
final JobResponse createJobResponse =
            new UrlImportRequest()
            new ConvertFilesTaskRequest()
                .set('width', 1920)
                .set('height', 1080)
            new UrlExportRequest()
var job = await CloudConvert.CreateJobAsync(new JobCreateRequest
        Tasks = new
          import_it = new ImportUrlCreateRequest
            Url = "https://my.url/file.mp4"
          convert = new ConvertCreateRequest
            Input = "import_it",
            Output_Format = "mp4",
            Options = new Dictionary<string, object> {
                                      { "video_codec": "x264" },
                                      { "width": 1920 },
                                      { "height": 1080 },
          export_it = new ExportUrlCreateRequest
            Input = "convert"

Use our Job Builder to generate ready-to-use requests and code snippet for the CloudConvert API.

Job Builder API Documentation
On-demand, transparent pricing

Starting at 0.00 per file

When Converting Files

Corresponds to a one-timemonthly payment of . Checkout the full pricing information.